Open Spring Cup 2008 took place on May, 26-27

03 June 2008

Traditional Open Spring Cup of Moscow Finn Association took place on May, 26-27 at Klyazminskoye lake.

This regatta has been conducted already 3-rd time and traditionally has had good enough wind to carry out 7 and more races per weekend.

Spring Cup was esteblished in order to check habits of sportsmen after long winter and to give real start for racing season.

This year end of May has appeared very cold. While it was +25C a week before this weekend gave us only +8C and even less. You can add contineus rain to this and then you will understand the mood of that days.

Many sailors had doubts that anybody will go for the racing at such weather. But nevertheless almost all of them have left their warm beds in Satiday morning and came to the yachtclub.

Even more - our good friend and guest from Holland - Henk de Jager has visited Moscow in order to take part in our regatta!

The weather gave us two very good windy days. The race comettee has managed to carry out 7 good long races. The races were very tricky due to close lake-sides. Many sudden shifts could change situation drastically. But that was very good advantage - you have always chance to win or to lose. You should not give up nither to loose you attention.

The regatta had very strong competition, almost all sportsmen were amon leaders of the races once and more times. Finally the leadership took more stable sportsmen.

Official results: Gold - Larionov Egor, Silver - Khoroshilov Igor, Bronze - Kravchenko Vasiliy.

Our guest Henk de Jager was fighting with very good class. Finally he took 4-th place.  Thanks Henk!

We are waiting all of you at our next regatta June, 12-13 and at OPEN RUSSIAN, which will take place in September, 14-20.


Official results




Добро пожаловать, Гость!

  все видео о классе ФиннОфициальный представитель Devoti Sailing в РоссииМагазин спортивной экипировки H2O - скидки для членов Ассоциации класса ФиннВнешТрейдСервис - официальный партнер Ассоциации класса Финн по поставке оборудования и снаряжения для организаций

Comming birthdays

09 февраля
Кулюкин Александр

19 февраля
Бутенко Владимир

24 февраля
Баканев Антон